Kiskisan kung Kiskisan: An Ongoing Struggle of the People
“Kiskisan kung Kiskisan” translates to an intense confrontation characterized with friction or a clash between two opposing forces. It is a style of confrontation that brings each foe elbow-to-elbow and cheek-to-cheek. It is a peoples’ weapon of resistance and their fearless determination to struggle for true liberation and democracy.
On Friday, February, 24, 7 PM, this clash will unfold in an art exhibit of Franz DG called, “Kiskisan kung Kiskisan: An Ongoing Struggle of the People,” where one will see the history and struggles of Filipinos from the time of Lapu Lapu resisting against the Spanish conquistadors to the recent struggles of the urban poor fighting off the demolitions of their homes.
Franz DG stated, “Many Filipinos are not aware about the rich history of the Philippines and how the struggles and the resistance to old ideas are paving a new path for the Filipino people. I hope my art will spark that interest in people to take action and to continue to make history.”
Habi Arts and spaceLUNA are co-sponsoring the first solo exhibit of Franz DG followed by a series of events that serve to inspire, teach skills, create awareness, build community, and put into action what it means when people say “kiskisan.”
Each week after the opening exhibit, Habi Arts will hold a different program such as a writing workshop, an educational discussion about Philippine history, a film screening of “Sounds of a New Hope” by filmmaker Eric Tandoc, and a discussion on how the community can get involved in advocating for human and workers’ rights. Before the exhibit’s closing, the community will have a chance to express themselves as Habi Arts hosts an open mic session. Each event will take place in the spaceLUNA gallery with Franz DG’s artwork serving as the backdrop.
The exhibit and series of programs will end on Friday, April 20. All events are free and open to all. Donations will gladly be accepted for the campaigns and advocacy work of Habi Arts. spaceLUNA is located at 2404 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 1B, Los Angeles, CA 90057. Please visit for updates on the schedule of programs.
For more information, call 562-448-2787 or email