Comic Strip: Human Rights Under the Aquino Administration…

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Human Rights Under the Aquino Administration...

Comic Strip: Free Carina “Judilyn” Oliveros and Her Son! Free All Political Prisoners!

Free Carina Oliveros!

Sounds of a New Hope Live Remix Concert

Live Video Remix of “Sounds of a New Hope,” a documentary film (directed by Eric Tandoc) on hip-hop and the Philippine struggle for freedom. The film will be re-mixed and re-edited LIVE on two turntables (using video DJ technology) with new, never-before-seen scenes.

The evening will feature a FREE outdoor screening and concert in beautiful Downtown LA, with live music performances that are integrated into the film.

Sounds of a New Hope Live Remix Concert

Friday, August 27th, 2010, 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM

Japanese American Cultural and Community Center (JACCC) Plaza
244 S. San Pedro Street
Downtown Los Angeles, CA 90012


Photo by Jay Davis

Performing live:
Power Struggle
Krystle Tugadi
Shining Sons
Vicoy Bagongsigaw
Menchie Caliboso

Food trucks provided by:

Sponsored by:
Japanese American Cultural and Community Center
Visual Communications
Fil-Am Arts
Pilipino Artist Network
Beatrock Music
Bayan USA
Anakbayan-Los Angeles
Filipino Migrant Center
Asian American Drug Abuse Program, Inc.
Carson Student Movement
Filipino Student Forum

Montreal International Women’s Conference 2010

miwc2010Register now and pay your registration today.  Join the international militant women’s movement!

Women of Diverse Origins and the International Coordinating body invites you to register now for the Montreal International Women’s Conference taking place August 13-16, 2010.

Women from around the world will gather under the theme: For a Global Militant Women’s Movement in the 21st Century!  They will review the last 100 years of the women’s movement, honour its pioneers and draw up an action plan to advance the movement, with the forming of an International Women’s Alliance.

At a time when wars and violence against women are raging, as inequalities and social injustice reign and the systemic crisis continues, it is time more than ever to unite in a movement that brings together women of all races and cultures with an international perspective, to oppose war and promote human progress and social justice. The event will take place in Montreal from August 13-16 and will bring in delegates from all over the world: workers and intellectuals, women from the peasantry and farmers, youth, indigenous women, immigrants, refugees and displaced persons and anti-imperialist activists. Please see our internet site for some of the biographies of speakers.

For more and to register now, please visit our site :

Be there. Be heard. Be part of it!

Registration fees cover the documentation and the souvenir program, lunches for three days, accommodations/lodging, the opening ceremonies and the Solidarity Night with meal. Group rates are also available.

Registration fees also help pay for transportation of speakers from the Global South.

For more information contact:

Eyewitnesses to the Philippines Election

nlgThe National Lawyers Guild (NLG)
UCLA Labor Center
UCLA Institute for Research on Labor and Employment (IRLE)


Eyewitnesses to the Philippines Election: A report-back and discussion from the People’s International Observers Mission (PIOM), Philippines

Wednesday, July 7, 2010, 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM

UCLA Downtown Labor Center
675 South Park View Street
Los Angeles, CA 90057

Members of the NLG delegation to the Philippines invite you to join as we discuss our observations from the 2010 Philippines elections and talk about next steps in organizing against human rights abuses in the Philippines.

The delegation witnessed:

  • Military intimidation
  • Widespread irregularities
  • High potential for fraud
  • Voter machine breakdowns
  • Gun battles inside the polls

Despite the widespread irregularities, propensity for fraud and election violence, Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino has been declared president-elect and Incumbent Gloria Arroyo and Imelda Marcos, widow of the former dictator Ferdinand Marcos, won seats in the House of Representatives.

Please join NLG delegates as we give a presentation, discuss our findings, and talk about our plans to push U.S. policymakers to take heed of the human rights situation in the Philippines.

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