Yard Sale Fundraiser for Typhoon Victims in the Philippines


Community Forum With Bayan Muna Representative, Neri Colmenares

Please join us in a community forum with Bayan Muna Representative, Neri Colmenares, from the Philippines. He will be talking about the ongoing typhoon relief efforts and the upcoming elections in the Philippines.


Observing the Anniversary of the Declaration of Martial Law in the Philippines

Martial Law Anniversary 2009

Sunday, September 20, 2:00 PM

Manila Terrace Community Hall
Historic Filipinotown
2328 W Temple St
Los Angeles, CA 90026

$5 donation (no one turned away for lack of funds)

Presented by Habi Arts with AnakBayan LA, SiGAw and BAYAN USA

Festival of Philippine Arts and Culture 2009

Visit Habi Arts at the community information booth section at the BAYAN USA booth.

FPAC 2009

Vigil for Justice


Justice for Melissa Roxas!

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